Freitag, 6. Februar 2015

MARF Productions - Monthly Challenge (February)

Hello dear creatives,

it's february and therefore it's my turn again to write a blogpost.
This month's topic is: working with paper (diorama, papercut)

As inspiration take a look at this awesome artists:
Camille Garoche (Princesse CamCam)
Morgana Wallace
Maki Hino

I am in the middle of some university-stuff, that has to be done by next week. So I'm probably gone update this blogentry on the next weekend. If you got questions to this months challenge or are already done and want to know how to post it on the MARF Production's website, write on our facebook page or send us a message there!


Search for inspiraton. In this case I already new, what I wanted do draw. It can help to keep a inspiration-folder on your computer, or, in my case, on a external hard disc drive. So if you have problems finding a motif, you can go through it and maybe end up with a new idea.


Then I did some raw sketches. As soon as I was satisfied with the pose, I transfered the sketch to transparent paper, flipped it, drew the lines on the back, too (with a smooth pencil, I think it was B6), flipped it again and placed it on a fresh new paper, where I traced the sketch again. This way I didn't get it mirror-inverted. I do this often when I am away from home (and the light table), or when it are simple things I want to transfer and I am too lazy, to get it out for that.

At this point I decided it would be helpful, if I planned enough space, to fold the paper later and glue it to the back of the drawing, so it would be more resilient (also mirrord stuff looks cool and is fun to do). Then I simply started working out the details.

The bookshelf in the back was a bit more time consuming, although I had decded to go with a less detailed (no illustrated bookspines) version. Since I had bought a box, where I wanted to place the items, I used the boxes measurements.


When the drawings were finished, I glued enother sheet of paper (or flipped the paper, when enough space) to the back to enhance stability. Then I cut the items out, sparing a little part that was supposed to help the pieces stand.


I got it in the box and took some photos.


I photoshopped it, mainly putting it in the right format and enhancing the contrast/sharpness.
Here are some before and after pictures.

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